SNMP Toolkit
AppManager 6.x
AppManager 7.0.x
It is normally only necessary to specify the last named part of the SNMP Value before the value index, such as 'sysUpTime.0'. However, it is also valid to supply any or all of the preceding identifiers such as 'system.sysUpTime.0' or a completely qualified ODE 'iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib.system.sysUpTime.0'.
Object Identifiers (OIDs)
There is a distinction between those specified with a leading dot (i.e. '.') and those without (i.e. '1.3.0'). If an OID has a leading dot, it is assumed the OID is fully qualified. If there is no leading dot, it is assumed that the OID is prefixed with 'iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib'. In the examples above both '.' and '1.3.0' are equivalent to 'sysUpTime.0'.