Can the MultiMaster Replication schedule be set per Directory and Resource Administration Server? (NETIQKB43189)

  • 7743189
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 21-Jun-2007



How do I set the MultiMaster Replication schedule per Directory and Resource Administration Server?

Can the MultiMaster Replication schedule be set per Directory and Resource Administration Server?


Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 8.x


There is no ability to do this in the current versions of Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA). MultiMaster Replication in DRA is a push type replication.  When specifying the replication schedule in DRA, this is only set on the primary DRA Server and is specified as the local time of the Primary DRA Server.   An enhancement request is open to be able to schedule this per Secondary DRA server.  

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB43189