How do I configure the AppManager Agent to communicate with a new Primary Management Server? (NETIQKB42198)

  • 7742198
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 23-Jan-2012


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


How do I configure the AppManager Agent to communicate with a new Primary Management Server?
How to manually configure the primary management server on an agent?


In order to manually change the Primary Management Server (MS) on an AppManager Client system when the Client can not communicate with its existing Primary and/or Secondary Management Server, please perform the following steps:

  1. Stop the NetIQ AppManagerClient Communication Manager and the NetIQ AppManager Client Resource Monitor services on the client machine.
  2. Launch Regedit or Regedt32.
  3. Select the NetIQmc data key under  HKey_Local_Machine | Software | NetIQ | AppManager | 4.0
  4. Edit the MS Backup value key and remove the server name, unless you have a new Backup MS you want to point it to.
  5. Edit the MS Primary value key and enter the name of the new Primary MS server.
  6. Select the Security data key under HKey_Local_Machine | Software | NetIQ | AppManager | 4.0 | NetIQmc.
  7. Select the AllowMS value.
  8. Ensure that the value for this key is set to * (which represents "all" MS servers that it can physically communicate with) or the name of the specific MS or MSs that you wish to restrict it to for communication purposes.
  9. Close Regedit or Regedt32.
  10. Restart the NetIQ AppManager Client Communication Manager and the NetIQ AppManager Client Resource Monitor on the affected Agent system.

Note: This situation is most likely to occur if the AppManager Agent machine is moved outside a Firewall, or to a different segment on the environment network.


This situation is most likely to occur if the AppManager Agent machine is moved outside a Firewall, or to a different segment on the environment network and the necessary communication ports, protocols, etc... have not been configured.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB42198