The Management Server is not writing or logging data to the repository. (NETIQKB41449)

  • 7741449
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 16-Feb-2011


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


The repository is not updated after adding a new Management Server to the repository.

A new Management Server has been added to the AppManager environment and must be registered to allow communication of data to and from the Repository.


Warning : Using the Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. NetIQ cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be resolved. Make sure that you back up your Registry prior to making any changes.

When a new Management Server is added to the AppManager environment, the server should be registered to allow communication with the repository.

Warning: When manually registering a Management Server, if you are using the -ur switch to preserve the RPCKey value for Encrypted Communication, you should use the -ur prior to the -i switch. 

Example: C:\> netiqms -r QDBMS:QDB:Username:Password:SQLServerName -ur -i

Re-registering the MS using the format noted will disable the PIOC settings and UNIX port in the registry.  To correct this you should do the following:

  1. Open Regedit
  2. Browse to HKLM\Software\NetIQ\AppManager\4.0\NetIQms\Config
  3. Edit the Persistent IOC key setting the value to 1
  4. Edit the PIOC Map File Path key setting it to the path of your PIOC files (typically C:\PROGRA~1\NetIQ\APPMAN~1\dat\pioc)

If you have UNIX agents perform the following additional steps:

  1. Browse to HKLM\Software\NetIQ\AppManager\4.0\NetIQms
  2. Edit the UNIX Port key
  3. Set the Base to Decimail
  4. Set the value to 9001 or other custom port numer you may have specified during AppManager installation

NetIQ is working on a fix for this registry issue.


The Management Server can no longer communicate to the repository due to a relocation of the Repository or the Management Server itself.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB41449

You can use the Netiqms /? command to view other command options including encrypted security switches.

Command Parameters

-rRegisters the Management Server
QDBMSSpecifies the DSN name in the Management Server ODBC settings
QDBSpecifies the SQL database name
netiqusrSpecifies the SA user account (selected by the customer)
netiqpwdSpecifies the SA user account password (selected by the customer)
SQLServerNameSpecifies Server where the repository is located
-urRetains any communication\encryption settings for the MS to Agents
-i Indicates a new install