What permissions are needed for the Export Override account in Group Policy Administrator (GPA)? (NETIQKB41365)

  • 7741365
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 18-Oct-2007


What permissions are needed for the Export Override account in Group Policy Administrator (GPA)?

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.x

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0


The simplest configuration is to make the Export Override account a member of the Domain Administrators group. The Domain Administrators group has full control over all objects in Active Directory. If you do not want to make the Export Override account a member of the Domain Administrators group, the account must meet the following requirements: 

  • Has to be part of the Group Policy Creator Owners Group in Active Directory (this is required if the GPO being exported from the GP Repository does not already exist in Active Directory.)
  • Must be a GP Repository User
  • Has to have rights to modify GPOs that are held in the GP Repository (Check out GPOs and look at the Security tab of GPOs in the Repository and verify the Export Override Account has rights to modify all GPOs in the Repository.)
  • Must have Export GPO to AD permissions at the domain Level and on each category in the GP Repository
  • Must have Modify Export Status permissions on each category in the GP Repository

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB41365