How do I recover an archived quiz or policy in VigilEnt Policy Center? (NETIQKB40873)

  • 7740873
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 17-May-2007


How do I recover an archived quiz or policy in VigilEnt Policy Center?

VigilEnt Policy Center 3.x


You cannot recover an archived quiz or policy.  However, you can copy the archived quiz or policy if the quiz still appears in the Archived  tab (and not deleted).

To copy your quiz or policy:

  1. Log into the VPC Admin Site with an account that can publish quizzes or policies.
  2. Click View/Edit Quiz or View/Edit Policy.
  3. Select the quiz or policy you want to copy.
  4. Click Copy.
  5. You will see the new quiz or policy in the Draft  tab labeled as "Copy of...".

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB40873