SNMP Service is ignoring extension agent dll 'C:\Program Files\MCS OnePoint\OnePoint\SNMPExtnAgent.d (NETIQKB40422)

  • 7740422
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 02-Apr-2008


Security Manager 5.00

SNMP Service is ignoring extension agent dll 'C:\Program Files\MCS OnePoint\OnePoint\SNMPExtnAgent.dll' because it is missing or misconfigured.


Security Manager Hotfix 40422

This hotfix corrects an issue when Security Manager 5.0 sends SNMP traps. This issue affects central and agent computers running any Windows operating system without the .Net Framework installed.

This hotfix modifies the following files in the installation folders on the central computer. By default, this folder is Program Files\MCS OnePoint\OnePoint:

  • SNMPExtnAgent.dll  
  • InstallMcsApps\Operations Agent\SNMPExtenAgent.dll
  • InstallMcsApps\Operations Agent\Operations Agent.ini

This hotfix modifies the following files in the installation folders on the agent computer. By default, this folder is Program Files\MCS OnePoint\OnePoint:

  • SNMPExtnAgent.dll 
  • Operations Agent.ini

To install this hotfix, run SM50000_Hotfix40422.exe on each central computer and manually installed agent computer using an administrator account. Then, scan and, if necessary, approve the updates for deployed agents.

To scan, approve, and update deployed agents:

  1. Log on to the Monitor Console computer using an account that is a member of the OnePointOp ConfgAdms group.
  2. Start the Monitor Console in the NetIQ Security Manager program folder.
  3. In the left pane, expand Security Manager Monitor Console | Configuration.
  4. Click Central Computers
  5. On the Action menu, click Scan all Managed Computers. Scanning may take a few moments to complete.
  6. Click OK.
  7. On the Action menu, click Refresh until the Status column of each central computer returns to "Central computer is idle."
  8. If you want to update agents on all computers and the central computer global settings are configured to not install or uninstall agents automatically, complete the following steps: 
    1. In the left pane, click Pending Installation.
    2. On the Action menu, click Refresh.
    3. On the Action menu, click Approve All Pending Actions.
    4. On the Action menu, click Process All Approved Actions.
    5. Click OK.  Processing may take a few moments to complete.
  9. If you want to update agents on only some computers and the central computer global settings are configured to not install or uninstall agents automatically, complete the following steps:
    1. In the left pane, click Pending Installation.
    2. On the Action menu, click Refresh.
    3. Click the computer in the right pane on which you want to update an agent.
    4. Repeat Steps a through c for each of the computers on which you want to update the agent.
    5. In the left pane, click Pending Installation.
    6. On the Action menu, click Process All Approved Actions.
    7. Click OK.  Processing may take a few moments to complete.

To download this hotfix, please visit the hotfix section of the extended support site below:

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB40422