NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Repository
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Repository
How do I reassociate ParentJObID with a server ObjID that had been deleted
In order to fix the existing child job to be reassociated to the Parent Job id, please follow the next procedure to manually update the ParentJob to get a new MachineObjID:Check the Information from the Parent Job Check the Server
- Go to the AM operator console, turn off the parent jobs so that you only see te child jobid. Pick the child job id that has lost its parentid. (for the example below, let's say that the childid was 123)
- Open SQL Query Analyzer or such on the AM repository machine, select the AM repository and run the following SQL commands
- Get the Parent Job ID
- Select MachineObjID from Job where JobID = 121 ( lets say this gives us 256)
- Select Name, convert(varbinary, Status) from Object where ObjID = 256
If there is no result, the server is deleted. If there is a result but the deleted flag is set (status looks like 0x080000004 where the high 8 is the key) then it has been deleted but not yet purged. If the deleted flag is not set, the child job for that server has simply been removed.
- Get a valid machine objid from the child job
- Select MachineObjID from Job where JobID = 123 (lets say this gives us 512)
- Update the parent with the valid server
- Update Job set MachineObjID = 512 where JobID = 121
- Close the AppManager operator console and reopen it and you should now see childjobs reassociate to a new parentjobid.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB40262