NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
The Exchange2000_ConnectorStatus uses the following WMI Class to retrieve the current status of connectors on an Exchange Server:
NameSpace: root\cimv2\applications\exchange
Class: ExchangeConnectorState
The output here is an example of what the knowledge script retrieves from WMI.
To see and verify the results from WMI, the Exchange2000_ConnectorStatus knowledge script can easily be modified to display the entire connector results returned in the event detail.
Edit the Exchange2000_ConnectorStatus.qml file in the Appmanager Developer Console, or in any text editor. Locate the following lines:
If DO_EVENT = "y" Then
If ConnStatus <> "1" Then
detailmsg = "Connector " & ConnName & " on machine " & strMachName & " is down.
MSActions Severity, "Connector " & ConnName & " is down", AKPID, resmsg, detailmsg
End If
End If
Modify the detailmsg line so that it reads as follows:
detailmsg = "Connector " & ConnName & " on machine " & strMachName & " is down. ConnectorList = " & ConnectorList
Save the script as Exchange2000_ConnectorStatus_test .qml, and check it into the AppManager repository.
Run the KS on any Exchange Server you wish to investigate. When a connector is detected down, the Event indicating such will be generated, and will contain the entire connector list and their status.
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