Policy DRAFT Error: 'Use this URL address to require users to confirm having read/reviewed a document. Error creating URL. Contact your system administrator.'
VigilEnt Policy Center 2.x
VigilEnt Policy Center 3.x
Policy DRAFT Error: 'Use this URL address to require users to confirm having read/reviewed a document. Error creating URL. Contact your system administrator.'
VigilEnt Policy Center 2.x
VigilEnt Policy Center 3.x
This error is received when a Power User creates a policy in VigilEnt Policy Center (VPC) then attempts to view the policy while forwarding the URL information to Reviewers for review.
Your policy URL should appear as such:
- http:// localhost:8080/policy/launch.jsp?cmd=1.28.1
Please note the localhost item is referencing the storage of the policy. You may have to replace the localhost with the machine name of the VPC server. VPC may not have properly configured the URL to appear within the URL pop-up window for you to copy and send with your email to Reviewers. To correct this error, restart the VPC services.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB40076