Security Manager Hotfix: Unexpected response error while attempting to send mail. (NETIQKB39883)

  • 7739883
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 15-Oct-2007


Security Manager 5.00

Unexpected response error while attempting to send mail.


Security Manager Hotfix 39883

Hotfix 39883 corrects the following errors:

  • An error (event 9156) where the SMTP server returns an unexpected response when sending notifications, and then skips the recipient. 
  • An error (event 9157) where Exchange email skips a recipient.

Note: Ensure you close all Security Manager interfaces before running this hotfix, including the Alert Sentry, which is available in the Windows taskbar if installed. To close the Alert Sentry, right-click the Alert Sentry icon, and then click Exit. Failure to close all Security Manager interfaces will require you to restart the computer.

To install this hotfix, run the hotfix Setup program on each central computer.

Hotfix 39883 modifies the following file on the central computer:

  • <installation folder>\OnePoint\SMCommon.dll  Where <installation folder> typically is C:\Program Files\MCS OnePoint.

To download this hotfix, please go to the hotfix section of extended support below:

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB39883