How does AMADMIN_AgentInstall knowledge script work? (NETIQKB39626)

  • 7739626
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 14-Mar-2011


NetIQ AppManager 6.x


How does AMADMIN_AgentInstall knowledge script work?


Following are the basic steps that AMADMIN_AgentInstall performs when deploying an agent to a remote machine:

1. KS is dropped, and KS property (IAMINstall) is intercepted by the Management Server (KS is actually run on the Management Server, not the remote machine.)

2. KS checks for user input in the KS Values.  If any are invalid, the job is aborted with the event message "AppManager Agent installation failed".

3. Create temporary directory on remote machine: cmd /c md \\<machinename>\<drive>$\<temp-path>

 Example: cmd /c md \\NTMachine\c$\temp\AgtInst

4. Copy bootstrap files from managment server to temporary directory: xcopy /q <source-path> <temp-path>
 Example: xcopy /q \\NTMachine\AppMgr\\NTMachine\c$\temp\AgtInst

5. If the XCOPY command fails for any reason, the job is aborted and the following event is generated: ?Check the NetIQmc/NetIQccm permissions to run as someone with permissions to access <source-path> and <temp-path>.?

6. Installshield silent install files are created (based on AgentInstall values) for the machine as <temp-path>\<machine-name>.ISS
7. A service called ?nqexecd? is created on the remote machine with the path: <temp-path>\nqsms_a.exe
 Example: \\NTMachine\c$\temp\AgtInst\nqsms_a.exe

8. If service failed to get created, the following error message is returned: ?Failed to create nqexecd service? and the job is aborted with the following event message: "AppManager Agent installation failed".

9. The nqexecd service is then attempted to be started.

10. If the service fails to start, the following error message is returned: ?Failed to start nqexecd service? and the job is aborted with the following event message: "AppManager Agent installation failed".

11. After service is started, the service is request to impersonate as the ?remote install? domain/user account & password (specified in the AgentInstall KS values).

12. If logon fails, the job is aborted with the following event message: "AppManager Agent installation failed".

13. The nqexecd service performas an XCOPY to pull all the installation files from the source share specified in the job properties, and place the files in the TEMP directory previously created on the target machine.

14. The nqexecd service is requested to create a batch file to run the silent-mode installation of AppManager:
 <temp-path>\setup.exe -s -f1 <temp-path>\<machine-name>_nt.iss > <temp-path>\setup.bat"
 Example: "cmd /c echo c:\temp\AgtInst\setup.exe -s -f1 c:\temp\AgtInst\NTMachine_nt.iss > c:\temp\AgtInst\setup.bat"

15. The nqexecd service is requested to run the SETUP.BAT file created in the previous step.  Any errors or messages from the setup program are output to the \WINNT\appmgr.err and appmgr.log files.  NOTE: appmgr.err file is only created from the AgentInstall KS.

16. When all of the components have been installed successfully, then the KS stops and removes the nqexecd service, from the remote machine

17. The temporary files are removed with the following command: ?cmd /c del /q /s  <temp-path>\? Example: cmd /c del /q /s  \\NTMachine\c$\temp\AgtInst

18. If the command fails, then the following event message is returned,&n.
bsp; ?WARNING: Failed to clean up files.?

19. The temporary directory is removed with the following command: ?cmd /c rmdir <temp-path>\? Example: cmd /c rmdir  \\NTMachine\c$\temp\AgtInst

20. If the command fails, then the following event message is returned,  ?WARNING: Failed to remove directory <temp-path>?

21. If one or more AppManager components failed to install, then the following event message is returned: ?AppManager Agent partially installed.?

22. If all components were installed successfully, then the following event message is returned: ?AppManager Agent installation complete.?

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB39626

This Knowledge Script is obsolete as of AppManager version 7.x. You can use this Knowledge Script to install versions 5.0.x and 6.0.x of the AppManager agent only. For more information, see the Installation Guide for AppManager.