Error: 'Unable to retrieve data. Error occurred while generating the Report.' (NETIQKB39438)

  • 7739438
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 15-Mar-2013


NetIQ Group Policy Guardian 1.6


Error: 'Unable to retrieve data.  Error occurred while generating the Report.'

Error occurs when generating reports in Group Policy Guardian (GPG).

Event ID 7775, Description: 'Unable to parse Event Data given XPath' in Application Log on GPG server.


To workaround this issue, use United States (U.S.) date format by:

  • Selecting the English (United States) regional settings on the machine running the reporting, or
  • Setting the start dates/end dates manually in the GPG Reporting Console.

This issue is resolved in GPG 2.0.   In GPG 2.0, the reports will work with date/time format based on the client's regional settigs.  Note that the time displayed for the event in the actual report is based on the server / database regional setting at the time the event was generated.


The date format specified on the Report page is not in United States (U.S.) date format (i.e. mm/dd/yyyy).

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB39438