What metrics does the SQL_NetError knowledge script base its event criteria? (NETIQKB39339)

  • 7739339
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 10-Dec-2010


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


What metrics does the SQL_NetError knowledge script base its event criteria?


The SQL_NetError knowledge script runs the following stored procedure: exec master.dbo.sp_monitor and uses the returned results for total_errors to determine event generation.

Based on the information from SQL books online:
Displays statistics about Microsoft® SQL Server
Return Code Values: 0 (success) or 1 (failure)

Result Sets:
Column name                                   Description 
last_run                                           Time sp_monitor was last run. 
current_run                                     Time sp_monitor is being run. 
seconds                                           Number of elapsed seconds since sp_monitor was run. 
cpu_busy                                         Number of seconds that the server computer's CPU has been doing SQL Server work. 
io_busy                                            Number of seconds that SQL Server has spent doing input and output operations. 
idle                                                   Number of seconds that SQL Server has been idle. 
packets_received                            Number of input packets read by SQL Server. 
packets_sent                                   Number of output packets written by SQL Server. 
packet_errors                                  Number of errors encountered by SQL Server while reading and writing packets. 
total_read                                        Number of reads by SQL Server. 
total_write                                       Number of writes by SQL Server. 
bsp;                                    Number of errors encountered by SQL Server while reading and writing. 
connections                                     Number of logins or attempted logins to SQL Server. 

SQL Server keeps track, through a series of functions, of how much work it has done. Executing sp_monitor displays the current values returned by these functions and shows how much they have changed since the last time the procedure was run.
For each column, the statistic is printed in the form number(number)-number% or number(number). The first number refers to the number of seconds (for cpu_busy, io_busy, and idle) or the total number (for the other variables) since SQL Server was restarted. The number in parentheses refers to the number of seconds or total number since the last time sp_monitor was run. The percentage is the percentage of time since sp_monitor was last run. For example, if the report shows cpu_busy as 4250(215)-68%, the CPU has been busy 4250 seconds since SQL Server was last started up, 215 seconds since sp_monitor was last run, and 68 percent of the total time since sp_monitor was last run.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB39339