VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.2
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 4.0
Error: 'Make sure Java VM is running' is received while installing the agent.
Sun Java Virtual Machine(JVM) has been installed instead of Microsoft JVM and the Vigilent Security Agent for Windows installation does not recognize the installation.
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 3.2
VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 4.0
Error: 'Make sure Java VM is running' is received while installing the agent.
Microsoft Java Virtual Machine has not been installed on the target machine.
Sun Java Virtual Machine(JVM) has been installed instead of Microsoft JVM and the Vigilent Security Agent for Windows installation does not recognize the installation.
Install Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the target machine using the instructions below.
- Locate the download of the Vigilent Security Agent for Windows or the CD.
- Go to the Third Party\JVM folder using windows explorer on the target machine.
- Execute the MSJavx86.exe to install Microsoft Java Virtual Machine.
- Reboot the machine once the installation is complete.
If you have installed Sun Java Virtual Machine (JVM) instead of Microsoft JVM then follow the instructions below.
- Go to the target machine and click Start | Settings | Control Panel | Add | Remove Programs.
- Remove the Sun JVM installation.
- Go to Start| Run and type Regedit.
- Remove the following registry key \\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501}
- Using Windows Explorer locate the C:\winnt\System32\MSJava.dll.
- Remove this file by deleting or renaming the file.
- Reinstall Microsoft JVM using the following instructions:
- Locate the download of the Vigilent Security Agent for Windows or the CD.
- Go to the Third Party\JVM folder using windows explorer on the target machine.
- Execute the MSJavx86.exe to install Microsoft Java Virtual Machine.
- This requires a reboot once the installation is complete.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB38649