How does NetIQ Group Policy Administrator (GPA) react if an Organizational Unit (OU) is renamed in Active Directory and then the Group Policy Object (GPO) is exported from the Repository?
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.5
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.0
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 3.0
The GPlink property held in the Repository is referenced by the LDAP path to the Organizational Unit (OU) that the Group Policy Object (GPO) is linked to. If the OU is renamed, then the LDAP path will change. If you perform an export to Active Directory prior to correcting the links on the GPO held in the Repository to reflect the renamed OU, then NetIQ Group Policy Administrator (GPA) cannot validate the LDAP path for the GPlink property. In this scenario, GPA will correctly export the GPO settings to Active Directory but will be unable to set the GPlink property on the OU. GPA will then return the warning message: 'GPO exported. But links are not copied. Please check the access rights on the target Site/Domain/OU.'