How much space is required to run file reports on Unix? (NETIQKB38352)

  • 7738352
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


How much space is required to run file reports on Unix?

What are the disk space requirements to run file reports on Unix?

How do I calculate disk space needed to run file reports on Unix?

VigilEnt Security Manager 4.1

VigilEnt Security Agent for Unix 4.x

VigilEnt Security Agent for Unix 5.0


We have created a simple formula to determine how much space is required to run file reports:

total number of i-nodes * 200 bytes = size of the report

To calculate the disk space requirements:

  1. Use the following example to obtain the total number of i-nodes: 

    # df -il /home

    /home                  (/dev/vg00/lvol7       ) :     5868 total i-nodes
                                                                          5864 free i-nodes
                                                                          4 used i-nodes
                                                                          0 % i-nodes used

  2. Multiply the total number of i-nodes  by the amount of storage required to get the total number of bytes:

    5868 * 200 = 1173600

To run all file reports:

  1. Add up all of the total i-nodes on your machine. This includes all local, non-networked file systems.
  2. Multiply this summed value by 200.

Note:  This value is exclusively for running all file reports. It does not include the amount of space required for the product or other reports.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB38352