How do I display or hide the System Containers or hidden OUs in the Directory and Resource Administr (NETIQKB38191)

  • 7738191
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


How do I display or hide the System Containers or hidden OUs in the Directory and Resource Administrator console?

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x


In order to display or hide hidden OUs or System Containers, please perform the following steps on the primary DRA server

  1. Launch the Delegation and Configuration Management console, logged in as a DRA Admin.
  2. Select Configuration Management.
  3. Select the Update Administration Server options....
  4. Select the Client Options tab.
  5. Uncheck the Show advanced Active Directory objects option.
  6. Click OK.

Some of the default System Containers are as follows:

  • Microsoft Exchagne System Objects
  • System
  • AdminSDHolder
  • IP Security
  • Policies
  • WinsockServices

The changes made above are replicated to all the secondary DRA servers during the Multi-Master Synchornization.  These settings will apply to both the Delegation and Configuration, and the Account and Resource Management consoles.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB38191