How do I configure uroot to send usage email to a user other than root? (NETIQKB37616)

  • 7737616
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 27-Nov-2007


How do I configure uroot to send usage email to a user other than root?

How do I configure uroot to send usage information to a different user or email account?

VigilEnt Security Agent for Unix 5.0

VigilEnt Security Agent for Unix 3.2

VigilEnt Security Agent for Unix 4.0


By default, uroot sends usage information to root. You can configure the mailto variable in /etc/uroot.cfg to send email to a different account. 

To enable the mailto feature for uroot:

  1. From your favorite editor, load /etc/uroot.cfg.
  2. Somewhere near the beginning of the file (preferably after the lines that start with a #), type the following line:
  3. Defaults:ALL mailto="

  4. Save the file.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB37616