How do I remove the Alert URL from e-mail alerts in Security Manager? (NETIQKB37567)

  • 7737567
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


How do I remove the Alert URL from e-mail alerts in Security Manager?

Security Manager 5.X

Security Manager 4.X


By default, the Alert URL is included with Security Manager e-mail notifications.  This provides a fast way for users to directly access the details of the alert via the Security Manager Web Console.  However, administrators may wish to exclude this URL string for various reasons.

To prevent the Alert URL from appearing in existing e-mail notifications, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Security Manager Development Console, navigate to the Processing Rule that has the e-mail notification enabled.
  2. Double-click the rule to bring up the Event Processing Rule Properties window.
  3. Click the Responses tab.
  4. Select your e-mail response from the list, and click Edit.
  5. Click the Email Format tab.
  6. Choose the Custom email format option.
  7. In the list of variables, delete the very last line, which reads: (view with $AlertURL$).

To prevent the Alert URL from appearing in future e-mail notifications, repeat Steps 5-7 in the procedure above when creating the new e-mail response.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB37567