Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
The AD Pop utility crashes when trying to create Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 mailboxes.
The AD Pop utility does not create Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 mailboxes.
This issue is related to a change in the syntax of the Secretary (Assistant) attribute in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. In Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, the Secretary (Assistant) attribute was type 'Unicode String'. However, in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, the attribute type is 'Display Name' (DN). This change in attribute type causes the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 mailbox creation to fail.
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
The AD Pop utility crashes when trying to create Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 mailboxes.
The AD Pop utility does not create Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 mailboxes.
This issue is related to a change in the syntax of the Secretary (Assistant) attribute in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. In Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, the Secretary (Assistant) attribute was type 'Unicode String'. However, in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, the attribute type is 'Display Name' (DN). This change in attribute type causes the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 mailbox creation to fail.
The ability to create Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 mailboxes using the AD Pop utility is being considered for a future release of Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA).
An interim workaround for this issue is to use the DRA command line interface (CLI) to create the mailboxes in 'bulk':
- Open the file ADSIPath.log in Microsoft Notepad. (The default location of this file is
C:\Program Files\NetIQ DRA-ExA Evaluation Guide.
) - Select Edit | Replace to search for the string
and replace with "" (empty). - Save the file as ADSIpath2.txt to the
drive. - Run the following CLI command:
C:\Program Files\NetIQ\DRA>For /f "tokens=1 Delims=" %1 in (c:\ADSIpath2.txt) DO EA /nologo user * display "OU:%1" samaccountname >>c:\test.txt
- Open Microsoft Excel and select File | Open to open the file test.txt.
- Select Delimited and Next.
- Select Other and enter a : (colon).
- For Text Qualifier, select " (double quotes) and Finish.
- Select Column A and delete it.
- Select File | Save As to save as a text file named test1.txt.
- Run the following CLI command:
C:\Program Files\NetIQ\DRA>for /f "tokens=1 Delims=" %1 in (c:\test1.txt) DO EA user %1 mbclone clone:Template_account_with_mailbox
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB37395