How do I stop the import from importing the entire domain if Departmental Support is enabled?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
How do I stop the import from importing the entire domain if Departmental Support is enabled?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
When you set Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) to manage a specific Organizational Unit (OU) of a domain, DRA treats the OU that is being managed as the Managed domain and all other OUs in the domain are the trusted domains. To set the Directory and Resource Administrator Report Tool to only import objects in the managed OU:
- Go to the Import Dialog box.
- Click the Domain Selection tab.
- Select Import from Selected Managed Domains.
- Select the specific domain that contains the OU being managed.
- Uncheck the Trusted Domains checkbox.
Note: By unchecking the Trusted Domains checkbox, the DRA Reporting tool will not import information about objects outside of that OU. Due to this some reports such as Groups and Members will not show members that are outside of the OU.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB37393