Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0
The Administration server logs contain 'ERROR : failed to install and register with agent on 'DC_name', hr = 80010105' when trying to install agents.
Assistant Admins are not being directed to the Directory and Resource Administrator server in an NT 4 domain
Error loading server information from agent. HR=c0044e23' when attempting to install the DRA Agent on a domain controller
The Directory and Resource Adminstrator agents are not directing clients to the DRA server in an NT 4 domain, however the agents status show as installed in the 32 bit GUI.
This problem occurs because the Agent attempts to set the Site and Forest values for an NT 4 domain which are Null because NT 4 domains do not contain Site or Forest information.
This problem has been identified by NetIQ and has been fixed in Service Pack 1 for Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0.
The Service Pack 1 for DRA 7.0 is available for download from our website at