What changes were made with Service Pack 3 for VigilEnt Security Manager 4.0?
VigilEnt Security Manager 4.0
What changes were made with Service Pack 3 for VigilEnt Security Manager 4.0?
VigilEnt Security Manager 4.0
The following is a breakdown of the Service Pack 3 changes/fixes for VigilEnt Security Manager (VSM) 4.0:
NOTE: Changes and fixes for Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2 have been listed since they also are included in Service Pack 3.
SP3 Corrects the following issues:
- A "VSS is unavailable" error occurs when you try to log in to VSM. Note, if you have installed VigilEnt Security Manager 4.0 SP2 you only need to install the Vigilent Security Server part of this patch. The GUI and Database have no new updates in this patch. If you have not installed SP2 then you must install this service pack to the database and all GUI machine.
SP2 Corrects the following issues:
- The Data Presenter displays only the report name when reports return with no data.
- Version 4 agents did not communicate properly with VigilEnt Log Analyzer.
- You cannot cancel tasks for a Version 4 agent.
- VSS gives unreliable responses to requests sent to Version 4 agents.
- Version 4 agents did not communicate properly with VSS after a pre-Version 4 agent was registered, then upgraded to a Version 4 agent. For VSS to communicate with Version 4 agents after being upgraded from a registered pre-Version 4 agent, enable SSL on the TCP/IP tab in the VSS Configuration Utility. Then display the agent properties in the asset map and click OK to re-register the agent. Re-registering the agent updates the way that VSS communicates with the agent.
SP1 Corrects the following issues:
- The Data Presenter displays the incorrect time for event log query reports.
- This patch modifies the application so that the user is no longer required to be part of the Administartor role. The issue was that the user was required to have write access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive of the registry. This is no longer required with this patch. The user must still have write access to the directory that VSM and VSOC are installed in. By default, the applications are usually installed to "C:\Program Files\Pentasafe\VigilEnt" and "C:\Program Files\Pentasafe\VigilEnt Security Operations Center".
- The Data Presenter displays only the report name when reports return with no data. When you apply this service pack, the Data Presenter displays a message telling you that the agent returned no data.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB36880