Directory and Resource Administrator 6.40
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50
Error: 'The property name $McsPrimaryGroup is invalid' occurs when trying to modify the Primary Group of a user from the command line interface (CLI).
An error message occurs when the following command is run from the Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) CLI:
In Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) 6.4 and 6.5, the CLI does not correctly support the property change of the Primary Group.
To resolve this error, upgrade to the latest version of Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA). This issue was addressed in DRA 6.6.
To workaround this issue, you can also use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) or web console to make modifications to the Primary Group.
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.40
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50
Error: 'The property name $McsPrimaryGroup is invalid' occurs when trying to modify the Primary Group of a user from the command line interface (CLI).
An error message occurs when the following command is run from the Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) CLI:
EA /DOMAIN:<domain_name> /MASTER USER <user_name> UPDATE PRIMARYGROUP:<"new_group_name">
In Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) 6.4 and 6.5, the CLI does not correctly support the property change of the Primary Group.
To resolve this error, upgrade to the latest version of Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA). This issue was addressed in DRA 6.6.
To workaround this issue, you can also use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) or web console to make modifications to the Primary Group.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB36763