Some selected mailboxes are not listed when you execute the Migrate Mail Objects wizard. (NETIQKB36720)

  • 7736720
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 21-Nov-2007


Exchange Migrator 2.x

Some selected mailboxes are not listed when you execute the Migrate Mail Objects wizard.

ERROR: Failed to add objects to project [HR=0x80040e14].

Selected mailboxes do not appear in the Migrate Mail Objects wizard.


There are several reasons why mail objects may not appear in a project:

  • The selected objects were from a different site than the specified source server.
  • There was a problem with the CSV import.
    • For more information about the CSV import process, see the following NetIQ Knowledge Base article:
      NETIQKB8846 - How do I import objects from a .CSV file into Exchange Migrator?
  • The object was already selected in a different project.
  • The source object was hidden and therefore was unable to be selected in the Select Mail Objects wizard.

If none of these reasons apply, it is still possible to update Exchange Migrator (EM) to allow the accounts to appear in the wizard. Prior to the release of EM 2.3, there was an issue with the stored procedure designed to add objects to the current project that would cause some objects to be dropped and not added to the table. 


If the mailboxes have not been previously migrated, have not been added to other projects or are hidden, AND you are using a version of Exchange Migrator prior to 2.3, then you need to update the stored procedure being used to add objects to the database. Please contact NetIQ Technical Support for a copy of the stored procedure.

Follow the steps below after you receive the stored procedure from Technical Support:

  1. Close Exchange Migrator.
  2. Backup your existing Exchange Migrator database.
  3. Using SQL Enterprise Manager or OSQL, delete all records from the TempObject table of the Exchange Migrator database (EMA).
  4. Update the stored procedure, sp_UpdateSavedObjects, in the Exchange Migrator database.
  5. Launch Exchange Migrator and execute the Select Mail Objects wizard.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB36720