Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0
The OU structure displayed in the Accounts and Resource Management or the Delegation and Configuration Management console shows the OU structure incorrectly.
All OUs are displayed as being on the root of the domain when viewing the OU structure in the DRA Win32 console
Some delegated Assistant Admins when viewing the OUs under the 'All My Managed Objects' node see all the OUs displayed at the root in alphabetical order.
This issue occurs if the ActiveView the Assistant Admin is assigned to has any Exclude rules defined. This is because of a problem where theManagedContainerEnum call does not handle the Exclude rules correctly.
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0
The OU structure displayed in the Accounts and Resource Management or the Delegation and Configuration Management console shows the OU structure incorrectly.
All OUs are displayed as being on the root of the domain when viewing the OU structure in the DRA Win32 console
Some delegated Assistant Admins when viewing the OUs under the 'All My Managed Objects' node see all the OUs displayed at the root in alphabetical order.
This issue occurs if the ActiveView the Assistant Admin is assigned to has any Exclude rules defined. This is because of a problem where theManagedContainerEnum call does not handle the Exclude rules correctly.
This problem is only encountered by the Assistant Admins who are associated with an ActiveView that has an Exclude rule. Assistant Admins that are associated with ActiveViews that do not have an Exclude rule defined are able to view the OU structure correctly.
This problem has been identified by NetIQ and has been fixed in Service Pack 1 for Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0.
The Service Pack 1 for DRA 7.0 is available for download from our website at
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB36681