How do I roll back an installation of a NetIQ GPA hotfix?
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 3.0
If there is more than one hotfix applied that touches the same DLL or file, NetIQ GPA saves the files to the backup directory and changes the extension of the first applied dll as .001 and changes the type to 001 file. Therefore, the roll back should proceed from the last hotfix applied to the oldest hotfix applied.
How do I roll back an installation of a NetIQ GPA hotfix?
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 3.0
When a hotfix is applied to NetIQ GPA 3.0, the old versions of the DLL's and other files are copied to the C:\Program Files\NetIQ\Group Policy Administrator\Bin\BACKUP directory.
In order to roll back a hotfix, perform the following:
- Replace the files that the hotfix modified in C:\Program Files\NetIQ\Group Policy Administrator\Bin with the files in C:\Program Files\NetIQ\Group Policy Administrator\Bin\BACKUP.
- Restart the NetIQ GPA GUI.
- Open regedit and goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FullArmor\FAZAM 2000\Versions.
- Find the value for the hotfix and delete it. (When opening NetIQ GPA client and check the properties, GPA uses this key to enumerate what hotfixes have been applied.)
If there is more than one hotfix applied that touches the same DLL or file, NetIQ GPA saves the files to the backup directory and changes the extension of the first applied dll as .001 and changes the type to 001 file. Therefore, the roll back should proceed from the last hotfix applied to the oldest hotfix applied.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB36680