Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50
Error: 'The AssistantAdmin does not have enough powers to run the 'UserSetInfo' operation' received by Assistant Admin when trying to modify the property of a user although they have been delegated 'All Properties - Modify a User' power.
This issue is caused by an authorization when the All Properties - Modify * power is delegated. When an Assistant Admin (AA) is delegated the power 'All Properties - Modify a User account', there is a potential where the Admin Bit for authorization does not get retrieved and the result is the AA has no powers.
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50
Error: 'The AssistantAdmin does not have enough powers to run the 'UserSetInfo' operation' received by Assistant Admin when trying to modify the property of a user although they have been delegated 'All Properties - Modify a User' power.
This issue is caused by an authorization when the All Properties - Modify * power is delegated. When an Assistant Admin (AA) is delegated the power 'All Properties - Modify a User account', there is a potential where the Admin Bit for authorization does not get retrieved and the result is the AA has no powers.
This issue is fixed in NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) 7.0. Upgrade to the latest version of DRA to resolve this issue.
To workaround this issue in DRA 6.5:
- Create a Custom Role.
- Add all of the individual powers for modifying user accounts to the custom role. ( Do not add "All Properties - Modify a User Account") Add powers like the following:
- Telephone Properties - Modify a User Account
- General Properties - Modify a User Account
- Password Properties - Modify a User Account
- WTS Properties... etc. etc.
- Delegate this custom role in place of the power All Properties - Modify a User Account.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB36674