How do I delegate the ability to an Assistant Admin to perform a cache refresh in Directory and Resource Administrator?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
In order to delegate the ability to an Assistant Admin to perform manual cache refreshes for managed and trusted domains, the user\group can be added to the Assistant Admin groups as follows:
Version 7.x:
路 Launch the Delegation and Configuration Console logged in as a DRA Admins account.
路 Expand the Delegation Management node.
路 Click Assistant Admins.
路 In the top right pane scroll down and click DRA Configuration Admins.
路 In the bottom pane click Add Members from the menu bar.
路 Click the Add drop-down list and select the desired type of object, user, group, etc. as need be.
路 Search and double-click the desired object and click OK.
路 Click Apply and OK.
Version 6.x:
路 Launch the MMC Console logged in as a Built-In Admin account.
路 Expand the ActiveView Management node.
路 Expand the Collections node.
路 Click Assistant Admin groups.
路 In the top right pane click Built-In Configuration.
路 In the bottom middle column click Add Members.
路 Select the desired account, group, OU, etc. as need be and click Next.
路 Name the rule appropriately then click Finish.
The DRA Configuration or the Built-in Configuration Assistant Admin group not only allows the user to perform cache refresh on managed and trusted domain but also allows them to modify other DRA server configuration.