How do you set the proxy generation rule to create the SMTP address as the Primary SMTP address?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
How do you set the proxy generation rule to create the SMTP address as the Primary SMTP address?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) 6.x and DRA 7.x allows you to specify the SMTP address for a user account, however, the default address specified in Microsoft Exchange System Manager will override the address that DRA provides.
The following is a workaround for DRA 6.x and DRA 7.x:
- Open Regedit on the DRA server and go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mission Critical Software\OnePoint\Administration\Data\Modules\Exchange - Edit the registry value of X2KProxyNamingConventions. Change the lower case s.m.t.p to uppercase S.M.T.P. The value in the registry is a binary value and you need to highlight each letter, one at a time, and change it from lower case to upper case.
- Enable a trigger script to fire on the UserCreate/UserCopy operation that unchecks the Automatically update email addresses based on recipient policy flag.
A trigger is available under the Knowledge Depot section of the Public folders called ExcludefromRecipientPolicy.vbs that could be used as a template.
This can be obtained from the DRA Knowledge Depot.
- DRA Knowledge Depot (requires username and password)
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB36649