Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Home directory move causes the Directory and Resource Administrator MMC to hang.
When a user accounts home directory data is moved from one server to another, over a slow link, the Assistant Admin never gets control back of the Directory and Resource Administrator MMC even after the data has moved completely. The MMC appears to be hung.
The above described condition occurs because the Operations (UserSetInfo in this case) submitted from the property sheets in the MMC console uses a hidden frame to invoke an ASP script on the IIS server running the DRA Web Component. If that script times out, the property page will never learn that the operation has completed (successfully or unsuccessfully).
The above issue has been resolved in Directory and Resource Administrator version 7.0 and later. The DRA Win32 consoles in version 7.0 and later no longer use ASP pages and do not have an IIS dependency.
To resolve this issue in Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x, please use the following workaround:
- On the IIS server running the DRA Web Component, edit the Global.asp file typically located in the Inetpub\wwwroot\draweb\admin\lib\server\global.asp directory.
- At line 678 (in the GetScriptTimeOut function), change the return value to a large enough number to accomodate the long running operations. This is specified in seconds, so the default, 125, corresponds to two minutes and five seconds.