Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
Error: 'There is a naming violation.'
Error occurs when trying to rename, delete, or change the properties of user accounts, groups, contacts, or OUs containing the '/' character in the common name.
The cause of this issue is due to an issue introduced by Microsoft in Windows 2000 SP4. The IADsContainer::MoveHere method fails if a new name specified in the method includes an LDAP-escaped character, such as a forward slash (/).
To correct this issue in Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Contact Microsoft and refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base article 834541 to obtain a supported fix that resolves the issue introduced by Windows 2000 SP 4 in Microsoft ADSI if the "/ " character is in the CN field.
To correct this issue in Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60
Contact Microsoft and refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base article 834541 to obtain a supported fix that resolves the issue introduced by Windows 2000 SP 4 in Microsoft ADSI if the "/ " character is in the CN field.
Hotfix 36200 corrects the issue of renaming, deleting, or changing the properties of user accounts, groups, contacts, and OUs containing the forward slash (/) character in the common name. The common name is equivalent to the CN value in an ADSI string.
The value, j,dob/telphnin, is an example in the following string:
If you run the Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) Administration server version 6.60 on Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4, apply this hotfix. To install this hotfix, run the DRA66000_Hotfix36200.exe file (link below) on each Administration server computer.
This hotfix modifies the Accounts.dll file on the Administration server computer. By default, this file is located in the NetIQ\DRA folder of the Program Files folder.
For more information, contact Technical Support at