Domain Migration Administrator 7.x
Imported project does not show the correct number of users migrated
When you use the Export Project option in DMA, DMA will only export accounts that have actually been migrated in that project. Even if the accounts were selected for that project, if they weren't actually migrated in that project,they will not be included in the export. DMA compares on the ActionID in the Migrated Objects table of the Protar.mdb to the list of Actions in the specific project to determine which objects were migrated in that project. As a result, this issue may also arise if records have been deleted from the Actions or Action History tables.
Domain Migration Administrator 7.x
Imported project does not show the correct number of users migrated
When you use the Export Project option in DMA, DMA will only export accounts that have actually been migrated in that project. Even if the accounts were selected for that project, if they weren't actually migrated in that project,they will not be included in the export. DMA compares on the ActionID in the Migrated Objects table of the Protar.mdb to the list of Actions in the specific project to determine which objects were migrated in that project. As a result, this issue may also arise if records have been deleted from the Actions or Action History tables.
There are a few possible resolutions for this issue.
- Re-migrate the accounts in the original project before creating the export.
- After importing the project into the new console run the sidHistory Report.
- For more information on the sidHistory Report, please see: NETIQKB5629 - How do I update DMA with accounts that were migrated with SID History using ADMT? :
- Replace the Protar on the new console with a copy of the Protar on the old console, and then import the project.
- Import objects into the new DMA console:
- Open a new Excel file.
- Open the Protar.mdb on the original console (\Program Files\NetIQ\DMA\Protar.mdb).
- Copy the SourceDomain column from the Protar.
- Paste it into the first column of the Excel file.
- Copy the SourceSamName column from the Protar .
- Paste it into the second column of the Excel file .
- Copy the Type column from the Protar.
- Paste it into the third and sixth columns of the Excel file .
- Copy the TargetDomain column from the Protar .
- Paste it into the fourth column of the Excel file .
- Copy the TargeSamName column from the Protar .
- Paste it into the fifth column of the Excel file .
- Change the first row which currently contains the Protar column names to reflect the appropriate column names for Importing Migrated Objects from a csv.
- SourceDomain
- SourceSam
- SourceType
- TargetDomain
- TargetSam
- TargetType
- Save the Excel file as a tab delimited text (.txt) file.
- Rename the file to .csv.
- Open DMA on the new console .
- Select Domain Migration Administrator in the left hand pane .
- Right-click and select Import Migrated Objects from a CSV file.
- Browse to the CSV file .
- Click Open.
- These objects will now be added the current database.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB35700