How do I scan a single computer with Security Manager?
Security Manager 3.X
Security Manager 4.X
Security Manager 5.X
To scan a single managed computer, create two custom tasks to run a Security Manager script. The first custom task defines the syntax for scanning an agent computer in the Managed Computers list. The second task defines the syntax for scanning and installing an agent on a new computer. When you run the second task, a window prompts you for the name of the new computer.
You can run the tasks from the Consolidator and associated Agent Manager computer or from a remote MMC interface computer. If you run the tasks from a remote MMC interface computer, download and install version 5.1 or greater of the command shell-based Windows Scripting Host (CSCRIPT.EXE) from the Microsoft Web site at You do not need version 5.1 or greater if you run the tasks from the Agent Manager computer.
To create a task for scanning a single agent computer in the Managed Computers list:
- If the computer from which you are running the script is not the Consolidator and associated Agent Manager computer, ensure that the computer has version 5.1 of Windows Scripting Host (CSCRIPT.EXE) installed.
- Start the MMC interface from the Security Manager program folder.
- Expand Security Manager in the left pane.
- Click Monitor in the left pane.
- On the Action menu, click New | Custom Task.
- Select the appropriate user name from the Task Available To list.
- Select computer items from the Task Available for list.
- Click Add.
- In the Name field, type Agent Manager scan this computer.
- In the Description field, type Causes the Agent Manager to scan an agent computer.
- In the Command field, type:
CSCRIPT.EXE "$Agent Directory$\AMScanSingle.vbs" /a:AGENTMANAGER_COMPUTER_NAME /s:$Computer$
/a:AGENTMANAGER_COMPUTER_NAME Specifies the name of the Agent Manager computer.For example:
CSCRIPT.EXE "$Agent Directory$\AMScanSingle.vbs" /a:NYC_AM023 /s:$Computer$
- Click OK.
To create a task for scanning and installing an agent on a new computer:
- If the computer from which you are running the script is not the Agent Manager computer, ensure that the computer has version 5.1 of Windows Scripting Host (CSCRIPT.EXE) installed.
- Start the MMC interface from the Security Manager program folder.
- Expand Security Manager in the left pane.
- Click Monitor in the left pane.
- On the Action menu, click New | Custom Task.
- Select the appropriate user name from the Task Available To list.
- Select computer items from the Task Available for list.
- Click Add.
- In the Name field, type Agent Manager scan a new computer.
- In the Description field, type Causes the Agent Manager to scan a computer and install an agent.
- In the Command field, type:
/a:AGENTMANAGER_COMPUTER_NAME Specifies the name of the Agent Manager computer.
For example:CSCRIPT.EXE "$Agent Directory$\AMScanSingle.vbs" /a:NYC_AM023
- Click OK.
To run the custom task to scan an agent computer in the Managed Comp.
uters list:
- Start the MMC interface from the Security Manager program folder.
- Expand Security Manager in the left pane.
- Click Monitor in the left pane.
- Click All Computers in the left pane.
- In the right pane, click the computer you want to scan.
- On the Action menu, click Custom Tasks | Agent Manager scan this computer.
To run the custom task to scan and install an agent on a new computer:
- Start the MMC interface from the Security Manager program folder.
- Expand Security Manager in the left pane.
- Click Monitor in the left pane.
- Click All Computers in the left pane.
- Click any computer in the right pane. You will specify the new computer in a later step.
- On the Action menu, click Custom Tasks | Agent Manager scan a new computer.
- At the prompt, type the name of the new computer.
Troubleshooting the AMScanSingle.vbs script
- Does your computer name have too many characters?
The AMScanSingle.vbs script requires computer names of fewer than 15 characters. This script returns an error message when scanning a computer with a name that contains more than 15 characters. - Are you using an international version of the Windows Scripting Host (Wscript)?
You cannot use the AMScanSingle.vbs script in international environments. The script requires Wscript 5.1, which is named Wscript 5,1 in international environments. If the separator is not a decimal (.), you cannot use the script.