Error: 'Home directory is not in an acceptable format' when creating a user account. (NETIQKB35244)

  • 7735244
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 22-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60

Error: 'Home directory is not in an acceptable format' when creating a user account.

This issue is caused by an issue in Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA), where DRA is not attempting a second bind to the home directory target machine without the trailing $ sign, when the home directory server is in a domain managed using an override account.


Normally, when DRA is creating a home directory and the bind operation to the target machine fails, DRA strips off the trailing $ sign and tries the bind call again.  If DRA is managing multiple domains and the domain where the home directory is being created is configured with an override account, DRA is not stripping the trailing $ sign and trying the bind operation a second time.  The result is, that DRA then tries to use the MCS Onepoint Admin Service Account for the bind operation and not the override account. 

To workaround this issue in DRA 6.6:

  • Make the MCS Onepoint Administration Service Account a member of the local Administrators group on the target machine where the home directories are being created.

This issue is resolved in Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) 7.0 and later. Upgrade to the latest version of DRA to resolve this problem.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB35244