Permanently deleting a user who has a home directory path as \\server\Parent_share deletes the home (NETIQKB35198)

  • 7735198
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x

Permanently deleting a user who has a home directory path as \\server\Parent_share deletes the home directories of all users.

This is the expected behavior.


There is nothing to prevent the deletion of a large chunk of user home directories if a user somehow sets the home directory path to \\server\rootshare, where rootshare is the parent directory of a large number of home directories.  Directory and Resource Administrator should not allow the home directory path of a user to be set as \\server\parent_share; however, it is possible that the home directory path be set for a user outside of Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA). If Directory and Resource Administrator has the 'Delete Home Directory when user is deleted' policy enabled, all User Home Directories will be deleted when this user is deleted.

This has been addressed in DRA 7.5 by adding a section in the home directory policy called "Allowable UNC Parent Paths." This allows an admin to specify the root share in DRA and forces the DRA server to verify if the directory is a sub-directory of one of the shares in the approved list, is not directly pointed to by any other UNCs in the list, and is not a parent of any directory directly pointed to by any other UNCs in the list.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB35198