How to do I configure Directory and Resource Administrator to connect to a specific Exchange 5.5 ser (NETIQKB35196)

  • 7735196
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


How to do I configure Directory and Resource Administrator to connect to a specific Exchange 5.5 server when managing mailboxes in that site?

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x

Microsoft Exchange 5.5


When managing Exchange 5.5 mailboxes Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) 7.0 pings the Exchange 5.5 servers in the site to determine the closest Exchange server to bind to, to manage a mailbox in that site. Once the closest Exchange 5.5 server is selected, DRA will continue using the selected server when managing mailboxes in that site until the DRA server service is restarted.

To override the above behavior, Directory and Resource Administrator can also be configured to connect to a specific Exchange server in a given site by performing the following steps:

  1. Launch RegEdit on the DRA server.
  2. Browse to and select:
    HKey_Local_Machine | Software | Mission Critical Software | OnePoint | Administration | Data | Modules | Exchange | ServerOverride.
  3. Select New | String Value.
  4. Specify the DN of the site (i.e. "/o=org/ou=site") as the name of the value.
  5. Right-click the newly created value and select Modify.
  6. In the Value data: field type in the name of the Exchange 5.5 server.
  7. Click OK.

 A new value must be created for each site, separately.  In order for the changes to take effect the NetIQ Administration Server service must be restarted.

Directory and Resource Administrator will connect to the preferred Exchange 5.5 server specified under the Policies and Automation Management | Configure Exchange Policies... tab in the DRA Delegation and Configuration console when managing mailboxes that reside in the same site as the preferred Exchange server.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB35196