A CPF9812 Error is received when attempting to apply CUM PTF 1X03080. (NETIQKB35173)

  • 7735173
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 16-Aug-2007


VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries PSSecure 7.0

CUM PTF 1X03080

A CPF9812 Error is received when attempting to apply CUM PTF 1X03080.

CPF9812 Error: 'ILE Control language (CL) procedure PTF1C01681 in module PTF1C01681 in program C01681 in library PSCOMMON detected an error at statement number 0000006400'.

The PTF process is attempting to copy Secure Menuing System records to a file in QTEMP but is unable to do so.


If you have not added any customized Secure Menuing System records, reply "I" (ignore) to each of the error messages that appear.  After the last error, the process will continue and you will need to apply the PTFs.

Once the process has ended, use Command DSPPTF 1PSC001 to verify that the PTFs applied.  1X03080 should have a Status of Temporarily Applied and all following PTFs should be the same status or they could be Permanently Applied or Superseded.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB35173