How do I register my Vivinet Assessor or Vivinet Diagnostics console? (NETIQKB34999)

  • 7734999
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 13-May-2010


Vivinet Assessor 3.x
Vivinet Diagnostics 2.x


How do I register Vivinet Assessor?

How do I register Vivinet Diagnostics?


Follow the steps below to register the Vivinet Assessor or Vivinet Diagnostics console:

  1. Open the Vivinet Assessor (or Diagnostics) Console.
  2. Choose Options | Registration.
  3. Select Register.
  4. Enter the registration number and password, and click Next.
  5. Leave the Get Authorization Key dialog checked, and click Next.
  6. Leave This computer is connected to the Internet checked, and click Next.
  7. A web browser session is launched and connects to the registration server.
  8. Verify primary contact information and click Generate License.
  9. The web browser will retrieve a new authorization key.
  10. Cut and paste the authorization key into the registration dialog, and click Next.
  11. Click Finish.

If the console is not connected to the Internet, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Vivinet Assessor (or Diagnostics) Console.
  2. Choose Options  | Registration.
  3. Select Register.
  4. Enter the registration number and password, and click Next.
  5. Uncheck This computer is connected to the Internet, and click Next.
  6. On the next dialog, scroll through the registration information and copy the Registration number, Password, License code, and Version number.
  7. On another computer with Internet access go to:

  8. Navigate to the Vivinet Assessor (or Diagnostics), register, and enter the required information.
  9. Verify primary contact information and click Generate License.
  10. The web browser will retrieve a new authorization key for this instance.
  11. Cut and paste the authorization key into the registration dialog, and click Next.
  12. Click Finish.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB34999

If you need further assistance with the subject matter discussed in this Knowledge Base Article, please contact NetIQ Technical Support .