VigilEnt Security Manager 4.0
An error occurs when clicking on Permissions.
Error: 'A configuration problem was encountered loading the permission set for Task DBUSRMGMT. The most likely cause of this error is a duplicate ACL entry'.
This error is caused by duplicate ACL.
This issue is resolved in VigilEnt Security Manager version 4.1 which is available from the NetiQ support site at the following address:
A workaround for version 4.0 is to remove the duplicate ACLs using a script that can be requested from NetiQ Technical Support:
NOTE: Before running the script to remove the duplicates, please backup the database in case recovery is required.
- In SQL Query Analyzer for the VigilEnt database type SPCLEANVIGACL @cleanIT=1. This will remove the duplicate rows.
- After the execution is completed run SPCLEANVIGACL again without the parameter. No duplicates should appear. If they do, please contact Technical Support for further assistance.
There was a cosmetic GUI error in 4.0 that will cause the duplicate ACL message to be displayed. This has been corrected in VSM 4.1. If the SPCLEANVIGACL steps above do not show duplicates, the duplicate ACL messages can be ignored.