How do I manage Microsoft Exchange 5.5 distribution list membership using Directory and Resource Adm (NETIQKB34116)

  • 7734116
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


How do I manage Microsoft Exchange 5.5 distribution list membership using Directory and Resource Administrator?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60

Microsoft Exchange 5.5

Exchange Administrator 6.60


Distribution lists are not listed at the top level of the Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) MMC.  Microsoft Exchange 5.5 distribution lists can be managed in DRA by going through the mailbox properties of a user who is already a member of that list.  The 'Distribution Lists' tab of that user's mailbox displays a list of all distribution lists the user is a member of.  Assistant Admins delegated the Distribution Lists - Modify a Mailbox power can remove\add the mailbox to additional distribution lists from there.  The procedure is as follows:

  1. Launch the 'DRA MMC' console.
  2. Select the user account to be added to a distribution list.
  3. Open the properties window for a user account in the DRA MMC.
  4. Click the Mailbox tab.
  5. Click Mailbox properties.
  6. Select the Distribution lists tab.  This will display a list of all distribution lists of which this user account is a member.
  7. Click Modify, to add this mailbox to or remove it from a distribution list.
  8. Use the address list to make any needed changes and click OK.
  9. Click OK on the Distribution list membership window to save the changes.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB34116