How do I Discover Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0? (NETIQKB33786)

  • 7733786
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


How do I Discover Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0?

AppManager 5.0.1

Portal Server Unix 1.0

Web Server Unix 1.1

Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0 

Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.0

Sun ONE Identity  Server 6.0


1.         Setup at the AppManager machine:

a)        Ensure the AM server machine is 5.0.1 and not 5.0.  AM 5.0 is not supported for Portal Server Unix 1.0 and Web Server Unix 1.1.

b)        Ensure Portal Server Unix 1.0 is installed.

c)        Ensure Web Server Unix  1.1 is installed.  Web Server Unix 1.0 is not supported to manage your Sun ONE Portal Server resources.

2.         Setup at the UNIX machines:

a)        Ensure the Unix V2 agent is installed.

b)        Ensure the Portal Server Unix 1.0 component is installed.  Tip:  the Unix agent must be recycled after a new component is installed.

c)        Ensure the Web Server Unix 1.1 component is installed.  The Web Server Unix 1.0 must first be uninstalled.  Next, install the Web Server Unix 1.1 component.  Recycle the Unix agent after the install is complete.

3.         Click on the Discovery tab of the Knowledge Script Pane.

ce="Times New Roman">4.         Drag the Discovery_SunONEPortalSvrUNIX Knowledge Script onto the machine(s) that has Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0 and/or Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.0 installed.

5.         Fill in all required fields in the Properties for Discovery_SunONEPortalSvrUNIX dialog. Important:  The ?Fully qualified host name? parameter must be filled in if the hostname command on the monitored host does not return the host's fully qualified host name

6.        Press Ok.  Two tabs will be created:  a SUNONEPORTALSVRUNIX tab and a SUNONEWEBVRUNIX tab.  

7.         Note:  It is not necessary to run SunONEWebSvrUnix_Discovery to discover the portal web server objects.  The Sun ONE Portal Server tree contains all necessary portal objects to manage.  Also, SunONEPortalSvrUnix_Discovery will automatically create the SUNONEWEBVRUNIX tab with the appropriate KSs as well as the SUNONEPORTALSVRUNIX tab.  If you ran SunONEWebSvrUnix_Discovery to discover the web server objects on your portal system, delete the Sun ONE Web Server tree at the AM GUI.


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB33786