What is the syntax to modify a property of all users in a group, using the Command Line Interface? (NETIQKB33703)

  • 7733703
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


What is the syntax to modify a property of all users in a group, using the Command Line Interface?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x


The Directory and Resource Administrator Command Line Interface provides tremendous expressive power. It includes several special functions and variables to reference common sets of objects. These functions and variables enable you to perform a single command on multiple objects.

For example to update the Description field of all users in a particular group the following syntax must be executed from the installed directory on a machine running the DRA client:

EA USER @GroupUser(group_name) UPDATE COMMENT:text

The @GroupUser(group_name) special function allows you to bulk update properties of all user accounts who are members of the group specified in the (group_name) field.

For a complete list of special functions and variables which enable you to perform a single command on multiple objects, please refer to the Directory and Resource Administrato Help Section.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB33703