How do I update a GPO in the Repository,which has been modified in Active Directory? (NETIQKB33684)

  • 7733684
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


How do I update a GPO in the Repository,which has been modified in Active Directory?

Can a GPO be re-imported if it already exists in the GPA repository?

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.x

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 3.0


A GPO, in the Repository, can be updated by re-importing the GPO into the Repository from Active Directory.  Re-importing the GPO will bring in the new settings of the GPO from Active Directory and will create a new version of the GPO in the repository.  To update a GPO in the repository, please perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click the Category where the GPO is located and select Import GPO from AD.
  2. Browse to the GPO that you wish to update in the "Browse for Group Policy Object" dialog box, and select OK.
  3. If the GPO already exists in the Repository, a message box will appear stating "GPO already there in repository.  Do you want to create a new version?", click Yes.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB33684