In the Check-Up report, the filtering done for the 'User Profiles Pass Intvl NOT SYSVAL' check does (NETIQKB33502)

  • 7733502
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 5.4/7.0

System Auditing and Reporting (SAR)

In the Check-Up report, the filtering done for the 'User Profiles Pass Intvl NOT SYSVAL' check does not seem to match the detail report referred to (AACL80UC).


The detail report noted (AACL80UC) is incorrect.  See filtering information below for both this detail report as well as the one that should be noted within the Check-Up Report (AACL80UG).

  • AACL80UG is the 'User Profile Password Changes Report'.  It has the following built-in filter:

    UPPWON [(Password of *NONE: *YES or *NO) not equal to *YES]   --  AND

    UPSTAT (Status) not equal to *DISABLED

  • AACL80UG also uses the following filter when it is run from the Checkup Report (which is how the number in the 'User Profiles Pass Intvl NOT SYSVAL' is evaluated):

    UPPWEI (Password expiration interval) not equal to 0

  • AACL80UC is the 'User Profiles with Password Expiration Interval Not = 0 Report'.  It has the following built-in filter:

    UPPWEI (Password Expiration Interval) not equal to 0

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB33502