How do I use Microsoft SQL Authentication if my VigilEnt Security Manager GUI is in one domain, the database in another and they are non-trusted?
VigilEnt Security Manager 4.0
VigilEnt Security Manager 4.1
VigilEnt Security Manager 3.0 SR2
How do I use Microsoft SQL Authentication if my VigilEnt Security Manager GUI is in one domain, the database in another and they are non-trusted?
VigilEnt Security Manager 4.0
VigilEnt Security Manager 4.1
VigilEnt Security Manager 3.0 SR2
The Microsoft SQL Server client on the machine where the VigilEnt Security Manager (VSM) GUI is installed must be set to use the TCP/IP protocol before running the GUI. To do this, perform the following steps:
- Click Start | Settings | Control Panel.
- Double-click Administrative Tools.
- Double-click Data Sources (ODBC). The ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box is displayed.
- Select the System DSN tab and click Add. The Create New Data Source dialog box is displayed.
- Select SQL Server and click Finish. The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog box is displayed.
- In the blank for Name - Enter VigilEnt for the new data source.
- In the blank for Server - Enter the name for the server on which the database is installed.
- Click Next.
- Click Client Configuration.
- In Network Libraries, select TCP/IP and click OK. The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog box is displayed.
- Click OK. An alias is created for the server on which the database is installed. The database client library will now use the TCP/IP protocol to connect from the GUI to the database.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB32153