How do I define a Primary Domain Controller if I want to run domain and machine reports? (NETIQKB32085)

  • 7732085
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


How do I define a Primary Domain Controller if I want to run domain and machine reports?

VigilEnt Security Manager 2.x

VigilEnt Security Manager 3.x


To run reports or perform corrective actions on a machine, you must first ?add? the server to the VigilEnt Security Manager (VSM) console. Adding a server lets the VigilEnt Core Services service know what agent and ports relate to the server. After defining the server in VigilEnt Security Manager (VSM), you can change the server's properties if its IP address changes, or if you want to change the port on which the server's agent (or proxy agent) communicates. 

Please note the following when defining a Primary Domain Controller in VSM:

  • If the Primary Domain Controller is defined as a Windows Machine in the OS Type field of the Add Server window, the NETBIOS name or the correct IP address for that PDC machine must be entered.
  • If the Primary Domain Controller is defined as a Windows Domain in the OS Type field of the Add Server window, an alias should be used for the Name IF the PDC has already been defined in VSM as a machine. If it has not already been defined as a machine in VSM, then the NETBIOS name should be used.
  • If a server OS Type is defined as a Windows Domain, an IP address is required by the VSM GUI; however, the IP address in this case will be ignored.  To receive domain reports as well as machine reports, target each of these servers in VSM when running the report.

To Add a Server or Change Server Properties :

  1. Choose the appropriate option:
    • If you are adding a server, right-click Servers and select Add Server. The Add Server dialog box is displayed.
    • If you are changing server properties, right-click the server whose properties you want to change and select Properties. The Server Properties dialog box is displayed.
  2. Name ? Enter the fully qualified host name of the server. No two servers monitored by VSM in the same domain can have the same name.
  3. OS Type ? Select the server's operating system.
  4. Major and Minor Version ? Optional. Select a major version and a minor version.
  5. IP Address ? This field displays the IP address of the entered server name when you click Lookup. An IP address is required.
  6. Location ? Optional. Enter a description of the location of the computer hardware.
  7. Contact ? Optional. Enter the name of the contact person.
  8. Use ? Optional. Select a server description.
  9. Notes ? Optional. Enter descriptive notes about the server.
  10. Click Add to submit the information to VSM. VSM submits the information to the VigilEnt Database.
  11. Click the Agent tab. Agent information is displayed.
  12. Agent Type ? Select the security agent type that runs on the new server.
  13. IP Port ? Enter the IP port address used by the VigilEnt Security Agent to gain access to the server. The default IP Port is 1622.
  14. Agent Version ? Optional. Enter the version of the VigilEnt Security Agent running on the server.
  15. Agent IP (Windows 2000/NT and VPN-1/FireWall-1 only) ? If the VigilEnt Security Agent for Windows 2000/NT or VPN-1/FireWall-1 is used for a proxy, enter the IP address for the agent. If a proxy is not used, the IP address is not required. For more information on auditing by proxy, see "Audit by Proxy" in the User Guide.
  16. Click Add. VSM submits the information to the VigilEnt Database, and the server is now listed under the Servers node. If .
    the agent is currently offline, its name will appear in red.
  17. You can continue to add more servers, or click OK to close the Server Properties dialog box.


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB32085