How do I prevent other VigilEnt Core Services from connecting to an agent from VigilEnt Security Manager?
VigilEnt Security Manager 3.0
VigilEnt Security Manager 3.0 SR1
VigilEnt Security Manager 3.0 SR2
VigilEnt Security Manager 4.0
Server communication with VigilEnt Core Services in VigilEnt Security Manager (VSM) is governed by the hosts.allow
and hosts.deny
files. The hosts.allow
file lists those servers that are allowed to communicate with VigilEnt Core Services, while the hosts.deny
file lists those servers that are denied communication with VigilEnt Core Services. By default, these files can be found in the C:\Program Files\PentaSafe\Core\etc
directory. You can modify these files by using a text editor or the VSM Configuration Utility.
Editing the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files
You can edit the hosts.allow
and hosts.deny
files in the same way. The syntax of the text in both files is UNIX code syntax. There are several types of entries you can add to these files on each core line:
- All ? You can enter the word 'All' (e.g., core: All) to allow communication between VigilEnt Core Services and all computers monitored by VigilEnt Security Agents in the
file. - IP address ? You can enter an explicit IP address (e.g., core: to allow or deny the computer with that particular IP address.
- Subnet ? You can enter a subnet (e.g., core: 10.9.56.) to allow or deny all computers within that subnet.
- Domain ? You can enter a domain (e.g., core: to allow or deny all computers in a domain. Note that there is no wildcard character before
and that a space or spaces separate the colon and the dot.
Use a ?\? to continue text on the next line.
Ensure that you save the edited file using the name hosts.allow
or hosts.deny
in the location specified in the 'Directory of hosts files' field, under the 'Settings' tab. VSM looks for a file with this exact name in this location. If either of these files are removed, VSM removes the appropriate File tab from the VSM Configuration Utility interface until the file reappears in the specified directory.
To maintain communications without a file for instructions, VSM uses default values equivalent to the core: All statement. Click the Refresh button in the browser to display changes to the GUI.
If an entry is duplicated in both the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files, the hosts.deny file supersedes the hosts.allow file.
If VigilEnt Core Services cannot find the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files in the directory entered here, VigilEnt Security Manager will allow all servers to communicate with VigilEnt Core Services by default.
Always list the computer hosting the VigilEnt Security Manager (VSM) GUI in the hosts.allow file. If you replace 'core: All' with a list of computers, omitting the VSM GUI host eliminates communication between VigilEnt Core Services and the VSM GUI.