How do I install the VigilEnt Security Manager on a Primary Domain Controller?
Microsoft Windows Primary Domain Controller (PDC)
VigilEnt Security Manager 2.2
VigilEnt Security Manager 2.3
VigilEnt Security Manager 2.3.x
VigilEnt Security Manager 3.x
VigilEnt Security Manager 4.0
NOTE: This is not a recommended configuration.
1. Create the VigilEntService user and the VigilEnt_Users group.
a. Go to Start|Settings|Control Panel|Administrative Services|Computer Management.
b. Select Local Users and Groups. Then select Groups and right click.
c. Choose New Group. Enter VigilEnt_Users as the "Group Name" and click on Create, then Close.
d. Go back to "Local Users and Groups" and right-click on Users.
e. Choose New User. Enter VigilEntService as the "User name" and provide a password.
f. Uncheck the "User must change password at next login" box. (No boxes should be checked at this point).
g. Click Create, then Close.
2. Add the VigilEntService account to the VigilEnt_Users group on the machine hosting VigilEnt Core Services or VigilEnt Security Server.
a. Go back to Local Users and Groups and choose Users.
b. Select VigilEntService.
c. Select the Member Of tab then click Add.
d. Scroll down to locate VigilEnt_Users and click Add then OK.
e. Click Apply, then Close.
3. Go to Start|Control Panel|(Administrative Tools for Windows 2000) Services and choose VigilEnt Core Services (or VigilEnt Security Server for VSM 4.0).
a. Configure the service to log on as the Local System Account by right clicking on VigilEnt Core Services and selecting Properties.
b. Select the "Log On" tab, then Local System Account.
4. Stop and restart VigilEnt Core Services (or VigilEnt Security Server for VSM 4.0). For instructions on starting and stopping services please see the following knowledge base article:
5. Once the VigilEntService User and VigilEnt_Users group have been created you may start the VigilEnt Security Manager installation.